
Entrevista con Manel Manchón: “La ira y la ansiedad que sentimos nos pueden ayudar, no tengamos miedo a la oscuridad” ▪ Crónica Global

Entrevista con Aurelio Alvarez: “En defensa de las emociones dolorosas” ▪ Revista Tu Mismo

Entrevista con Ima Sanchís: “La ansiedad es una reacción inteligente a un mundo sombrío” ▪ La Contra (La Vanguardia)

Interview with Eric Zimmer: How to See Yourself Through Darkness ▪ The One You Feed Podcast

Interview with Daniel Simpson: Dark Sides of Light ▪ Ancient Futures Podcast

Interview with Scott Stephens: Can philosophy save us from the tyranny of toxic positivity? ▪ The Philosopher’s Zone

Interview with Sean Illing: “Seeing Ourselves Through Darkness” ▪ The Gray Area with Sean Illing

Interview with Salome Asatiani: “Night Vision” ▪ Asatiani’s Corner (minute 10:08)

Interview with Dr. Tim Jordan: Embracing and Learning From Our “Dark Feelings” of Anger, Anxiety, and Grief

Interview with Amichai Levi: “Anxiety, Anger, Sadness, Grief”

Interview on UTRGV TV: “Night Vision: How to See in the Darkness of Life

Interview with Reina Lombardi: “When Positivity Becomes Toxic” ▪ VFTS

Next Big Idea Club Bookbite: Night Vision ▪ Must Read for May 2023

Interview with Madi Kirch: “Night Vision” ▪ Google Talks

Interview with Gisela Chípe and Mark Klobas: “Living with Dark Moods” ▪ PUP Ideas

Interview with Krys Boyd: “Our Dark Moods Have a Lot to Teach Us” ▪ KERA Think

Interview with Andrew Keen on Keen On: “Why Night Vision is the Right Vision

Conversation with Kieran Setiya: "Living with Dark Moods"

Interview with Hannah Murray: “Night Vision” ▪ Talk Radio Europe ▪ The Book Show

Jessica Grose NYT article: “Stop Treating Adolescent Girls as Emotionally Abnormal

Interview with Robin Morgan: “The Gender Politics of Fasting”

Philosophy Bakes Bread Episode #22: “The Little Engine that Couldn’t”

Education And Educación: Teaching at a 90% Hispanic University

EPCC TV: Philosophic Dialogues from la Frontera 8: Drs. Alessandri and Stehn

Texas A&M International University: Linguistic Terrorism and Linguistic Shame (minute 35)